Product Consulting for LEED, DGNB & BREEAM
Contact usWe support you in your LEED, DGNB und BREEAM projects
The requirements for products by LEED, BREEAM and DGNB are a big challenge for planners, construction companies and manufacturers. During the planning and construction phase we implement the requirements into your project and secure the planning reliability for products in terms of LEED, BREEAM and DGNB. Furthermore you profit from our network to the building product industry. With our product database we created a network for product manufacturers to fulfill the certification requirements efficiently. Learn more about this on
A forward-looking perspective.
You remain always one step ahead of the competition with products and solutions from HOINKA GmbH: online product databases, online software solutions or the development of innovative building concepts – added value for you as well!
The intelligent platform for healthy building materials
A confusing variety of product labels, building certificates, and material declarations makes it almost impossible for principals and planners to maintain an overview. Manufacturers are constantly faced with requests for certificates and declarations. And more recently, more product-related BIM elements and environmental audit data are being requested.
The intelligent platform for healthy building materials: On, financiers, principals, project developers, architects, planners, builders, and operators find all relevant product data for Green Building in one place. Building Material Scout evaluates and structures material-related information, making it easier to find suitable materials and products. Predefined and customizable search filters allow users to select the right materials – for example, for a Green Building certification according to DGNB, LEED, or BREEAM. The benefits are reduced time for product research and documentary evidence and planning certainty for Green building projects.
What is assessed in terms of DGNB and LEED?
LEED Indoor Environmental Quality:
IEQ Credit 4.1 Low Emitting Materials – Adhesives and Sealants:
- Assessment of VOC-content of adhesives and sealants according to the limits of SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1168) und Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-11, GC03.
IEQ Credit 4.2 Low Emitting Materials – Paints and Coatings:
- Assessment of VOC-content of paints and coatings according to the limits of SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1113) and Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-36.
IEQ Credit 4.3 Low Emitting Materials – Flooring Systems:
- Assessment of carpets, flooring, adhesives and coatings for flooring according to Green Label Plus des Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), Floor Score Standard, SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1113) und des Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-36, SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1168) and Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-11, GC03, GS36.
IEQ Credit 4.4 Low Emitting Materials – Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products:
- Assessment of urea-formaldehyd content of agrifiber products, e. g. MDF-boards, OSB-boards.
LEED Materials and Resources:
MR Credit 4: Recycled Content
- Pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content of materials according to ISO 14021.
MR Credit 5: Regional Materials
- Location of extraction and manufacturing of materials.
MR Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials
- Fraction of rapidly renewable materials in the product (e. g. natural rubber, bambus, sheep wool, etc.).
MR Credit 7: Certified Wood
- An FSC certification is required to secure sustainable sourcing.
DGNB Criterion 6 Risks for the local environment:
Assessment in DGNB system according to the quality levels 1-4:
- Assessment of paints, finishes, varnishes, laquer, sealants, coatings
- anti-corrosive paints and coatings according to the VOC-content.
- Assessment of epoxy-coatings and products according to GISCODE RE0, RE1, RE2, …) and VOC-content.
- Assessment of polyurethan coatings according to GISCODE PU10, PU20, PU40, …) and VOC-content.
- Assessment of bituminous products according to GISCODE BBP.
- Assessment of plastic foams (PS-,PU-foam) for insulation according to the way of foeaming.
- Assessment of plastic for windows, flooring or wall covering according to the content of toxic metalls.
- Coatings and surface refinement of aluminum- or stainless steel of the facade containing chromium oxide.
- Assessment of oil and wax products according to GISCODE Ö10-60.
- Wooden products according the content of wood preservatives (GISCODE HSM-W).
- Flooring adhesives according the VOC-content and EMICODE EC1 certification.
DGNB Criterion 8 Sustainable Resources:
Assessment in DGNB system according to the quality levels 1-3:
Statement of extraction of wooden products (tropical, subtropical, boreal, native) Statement of certification in terms of FSC or PEFC.
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