DGNB Auditor
Training to become a DGNB auditor requires in-depth knowledge of sustainable building and the completion of various training levels at the DGNB Academy:
- DGNB Registered Professional (DGNB RP) – Basic knowledge of sustainable building
- DGNB Consultant – System and practical knowledge for the application of the DGNB System
- DGNB Auditor – highest degree and project support for DGNB certification from the basic evaluation to the completion of the building
DGNB auditors accompany the DGNB certification during the planning and construction phase, up to the commissioning of the building and are the interface to the DGNB certification body in Stuttgart. The tasks of the DGNB auditor include
- Creation of a pre-assessment/pre-check
- Project support during the planning and construction phase
- Advice on DGNB certification targets (DGNB Silver, Gold and Platinum) and necessary sustainability measures
- Workshops with those involved in planning (client, architect, TGA/HLSK planners, building physics, construction companies, …)
- Verification and documentation of evidence
- Submission of the project audit
- Preparation of special verifications and concepts, e.g. life cycle assessment (LCA), building ecology, life cycle cost calculation (LCC), commissioning, …
As DGNB auditors and consultants, we are happy to support you with your DGNB certification:

M.Eng. Dorothea Dörr
LEED® AP | DGNB Auditor | WiredScore AP (Development & Occupied) | SmartScore AP

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hoinka
LEED® AP, DGNB Senior Auditor, BREEAM Assessor, BREEAM DE Auditor, BREEAM AP, Passivhaus-Planer, Energieeffizienz-Experte (KfW), Energieauditor, GPCP
Phone +49 711 62049-340
Email info@hoinka.com