CRREM analysis
Here you can find more information on Learn how the carbon intensity of your property affects its value and how an effective decarbonization strategy can help increase its value.
Kontaktieren Sie unsThe CRREM Risk Assessment Tool shows how much CO2 individual buildings or portfolios actually produce and how much they are likely to produce in order to achieve the climate targets. The tool can be used to create these pathways and forecasts for both the 2-degree and 1.5-degree targets. When calculating the “target values”, CRREM relies on average values for certain asset classes and countries.
CRREM uses greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per m2 to determine an intensity-based transition pathway for a building or portfolio. As basic data, the property location, size and asset class must be entered once. Energy data must be updated annually.
This data is presented as “pathways”, i.e. transition paths for the individual assets with forecasts up to the year 2050. These pathways in turn consist of more detailed paths that map the decarbonization target for the individual years.
The CRREM analysis includes the following points in the risk assessment:
- National requirements
- International requirements: Paris Agreement, climate targets, EU taxonomy
- Changing market expectations: increasing interest in sustainability and sustainable investments
If changing requirements or expectations are not taken into account in property maintenance, stranded assets can quickly arise and assets rapidly lose value.
How does the CRREM Risk Assessment Tool work?
The software developed as part of the CRREM project derives CO2 emission intensities and energy consumption intensities from the real estate data provided and assesses the extent to which the properties analyzed are equipped to meet the 2°C target. In other words, it assesses whether a property can cope with the changing requirements associated with limiting global warming to a maximum of 2°C. The software helps to identify those properties in the portfolio that are at risk of a massive loss in value: On the one hand, because they do not meet the increasingly stringent building codes and regulations and also cause significant additional costs due to high emission intensities and rising CO2 prices.
In addition to identifying CO2 risks, the tool also helps to identify and visualize improvement strategies. The CRREM tool offers the possibility to assess the progress of a portfolio’s carbon reduction performance against the reduction targets (the developed “pathways”) according to the Paris Agreement (i.e. limiting global warming to 2 °C / 1.5 °C). The tool can also be used to analyze the impact of the refurbishment of individual properties on a company’s overall CO2 performance.
We offer:
- Expert support in preparing a life cycle cost analysis with our specially developed life cycle assessment tool LCA Online
- Personal advice on implementing sustainability goals in your construction project
- Information on certification and assessment systems for sustainable building, such as DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, GRESB, etc.
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