BAFA Module 2: Process heat from renewable energies
We support you in switching to renewable energy sources for the provision of process heat. Contact us
Using process heat from renewable energies and saving energy
Process heat is required for numerous technical processes and procedures.
In many areas, renewable energies are suitable for providing process heat.
BAFA supports the use of and switch to these renewable energy sources in Module 2 of the funding.
What is funded by BAFA in Module 2: Process heat from renewable energies?
Module 2 of the BAFA funding for energy and resource efficiency in industry promotes measures for the provision of process heat from solar collector systems, biomass systems and heat pumps, provided that these use renewable energy sources (Art. 2 Para. 110 GBER) as a heat reservoir.
CHP plants based on these technologies can also be subsidized.
In all cases, more than 50% of the heat generated must be used for manufacturing, further processing or refining processes of products or for the provision of services.
Both investment costs and ancillary costs are subsidized.
Eligible investment costs
In addition to various heat generators, the following investments and measures are also subsidized:
- Heat storage for heat generators applied for,
- Connection of the requested heat generators to the heat sinks,
- Connection of a heat pump to renewable heat sources,
- Elevation and substructure for solar collectors,
- necessary construction measures for the installation/installation of the biomass system or heat pump,
- Measuring and data acquisition equipment for yield monitoring and fault detection.
Eligible ancillary costs
- Installation and assembly costs,
- Feasibility assessments/planning for the implementation of a requested measure.
Investments in supplementary heat generators based on fossil fuels, costs for insurance, expert opinions, inspections and approvals and measures for necessary improvements to the statics on/in the building are not subsidized.
Investment volume & funding amount
- Maximum funding: 15 million euros per investment project
- Funding rate: up to 55% of the eligible investment costs
Technical requirements
Specifically for the promotion of process heat, the fully completed data collection sheet, the individual hydraulic system diagram and an offer must be submitted for each system applied for.
For solar collector systems, the annual simulation can also be submitted.
For heat pumps or biomass systems, a valid European series certificate or manufacturer’s certificate may also need to be submitted.
An information sheet with the exact technical requirements for the individual systems and further information can be downloaded from the BAFA website.
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